WEEK 2: Topic Suggestions and Reflections

Welcome back for WEEK 2 bloggers! I am excited to see some really thoughtful and interesting blog posts emerging from your online spaces. We will be doing some self-evaluation during our flex class this week and I will be working to give feedback throughout the week. Remember between now and next weekend, your task is also to leave at least one substantive comment on one of your classmate's blogs. All blogs are linked on the right side of my blog page; you can click there to access everyone's spaces.

Some thoughts on what you might write about in week two...
  1. Now that we are more than halfway through Macbeth, what are some ideas standing out to you from this text? What are some questions or thoughts worth exploring related to our film discussion this week?
  2. Choose another topic that came up in your life this week - in this class or another class or outside of class even - that you think relates in some shape or form to responsibility or any of the reading we have done. Why did this topic strike you?
  3. When we talk about our EQ and the question of responsibility, what comes to your mind first when you think about this word? Does responsibility have positive or negative connotations to you and why? Explore your experience with this topic and how you think about it in your own life.

Image retrieved from: https://magazinetraining.com/wp-content/uploads/interactive.jpg
As you consider ideas to write about for this week, remember that something different about digital writing is that your blog should be an interactive space. You want to challenge readers not just to read but also to see and to hear. If you have not already, make sure your blog has at least one gadget and at least one image to help your readers to interact. Seek help from classmates or from me if you run into challenges. Happy blogging and reading! 
