WEEK 3: Evidence to Consider

Welcome back for WEEK 3 bloggers! I love seeing where everyone's minds are going with their blogs so far. I saw many people's writing and thinking evolve dramatically from week 1 to week 2 and look forward to seeing where we go from here. Remember to keep commenting - at least one a week on a different classmate's blog! In your comments, try and be specific and respond directly to what the person is writing about. Avoid the "Amanda did a great job thinking and writing in this post" kind of non-comment comment; address your comment to the writer and extend, qualify, or challenge their assertions. Feel free to compliment the writer but be specific about it!

Some thoughts on what you might write about in week three...
  1. We spent/ will spend some time this week considering the role of the witches in Macbeth. What are your final thoughts in this debate and what stood out to you during this discussion that you can build on?
  2. What came up in Free Thinking Flex lessons this week that struck you as interesting? How did the ideas here compare to things we've talked about so far?
  3. In honor of Academy Awards this week, use this post to explore a film or TV show that you feel like epitomizes some conflict in responsibility. Discuss this piece and make connections to some of our readings or your thinking on the EQ so far. Remember evidence from a film can be quoted or paraphrased - not just summarized!
As you consider ideas to write about for this week, remember that blog writing is most definitely about finding personal connection, but your task is also to explore and analyze the source texts (play, article, film, novel) that you are using to fuel your discussion of topic. I see a lot of you summarizing plot, but not analyzing the sources to show how the reading is revealing / supporting your argument. Multiple pieces of quoted or paraphrased pieces of evidence are the expectation here! Just like we are doing with Macbeth passages, pause to comment on your evidence - what language or technique stands out? why is this evidence significant to your overall point?  This week, I would like to see you each focus on building this skill even more. Use my blog posts as a model to help you in this area! Happy blogging!

Image Retrieved from this site.
