WEEK 4: Modern Day Macbeth

Greetings bloggers! I was just saying on the bus to YAG this weekend how much I have enjoyed reading your blogs, and how much I feel like this writing has opened up many of you to write with more authenticity and with more originality. I have also enjoyed creating my own posts. Though I have struggled to get the job done at times (as have many of you I imagine), being "forced" to write has reminded me how much I love writing in all its forms - whether delving into a personal narrative or exploring the intricacies of Macbeth criticism.

In our final week of "regular" blog writing, we are all going to focus in on the same topic - Macbeth and consider how the themes of the play might translate into a more modern setting. I chose Robin Talley's As I Descended for my book and it has definitely been interesting to consider how a highly competitive boarding school setting provides a platform for betrayal and mystery. On our flex day next week, we are going to have a Book Talk where we discuss how our novels compare and contrast with Macbeth and what we thought of them in general. To help gather some thoughts and further that thinking, our blog topic for this week will be: myself included - which is exploring our choice novel for this unit. If you remember, our choice read books for this unit were designed to parallel our study of

  • Discuss how the book you chose to read independently for this unit parallels Shakespeare's Macbeth. In your discussion, make sure to include summary of the major details of your book, comparisons to theme and content in Macbeth, contrasts to theme and content in Macbeth, direct evidence to support those comparison and contrasts, and your experience in reading this book. What did you like or dislike about it and why? What did this book make you think about? Would you ultimately recommend this book to someone else to read?
I look forward to seeing how these other books played out for you all. Happy writing! And - if you are like me - happy reading in finishing up this book during the course of the week!
